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About CAMEO Chemicals

CAMEO Chemicals is a database of hazardous chemical datasheets that emergency responders and planners can use to get response recommendations and predict hazards—such as explosions or toxic fumes.

This tool is part of the CAMEO® software suite and you may want to review the terms and conditions for using CAMEO Chemicals.

Key Program Features

Multiple Formats

CAMEO Chemicals is available in multiple formats: website, mobile website, desktop programexternal_link, and mobile app (available in the App Storeexternal_link and on Google Playexternal_link. Most program features are available in all formats, but there are a few features that depend on the format.

Features Mobile App Mobile Site Website Desktop Program
Requires download Yes No No Yes
Runs offline (without internet) Yes No No Yes
Perform simple search Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use "type ahead" to aid in searching chemical names Yes No No No
Perform advanced search Yes No Yes Yes
Find datasheets by browsing No No Yes Yes
View chemical datasheets Yes Yes Yes Yes
View UN/NA datasheets Yes Yes Yes Yes
Access history of datasheets viewed during session Yes No No No
Predict reactivity Yes Yes Yes Yes
Import MyChemicals Yes No Yes Yes
Export MyChemicals Yes No Yes Yes
Keep items in MyChemicals list between sessions Yes No No No
Export Compatibility Chart Yes No Yes Yes
Print datasheets Yes Yes Yes Yes
Access print-friendly layouts No No Yes Yes
Print reports No No Yes Yes
Share PDFs and CSV files directly from program Yes No No No
Save MyChemicals collections locally in program Yes No No No
Interact with ALOHA hazard model (desktop program) No No No Yes
Access help topics Yes No Yes Yes

Tip: If you're using the online formats, you can switch between the website and the mobile website using the links at the bottom of the webpage—and CAMEO Chemicals will maintain your session data. For example, you could use the mobile site to build a MyChemicals collection, and then click on the Full Site link to generate and print the report.

Development Team

CAMEO Chemicals is developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Response and Restorationexternal_link in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Emergency Managementexternal_link.

NOAA logo. EPA logo.

Version 3.1.0