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Salts, Basic

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There are 262 chemical datasheets assigned to this reactive group.

What are reactive groups?

Reactive groups are categories of chemicals that typically react in similar ways because they are similar in their chemical structure. Each substance with a chemical datasheet has been assigned to one or more reactive groups, and CAMEO Chemicals uses the reactive group assignments to make its reactivity predictions. More info about reactivity predictions...

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None of these materials are highly flammable. Inorganic salts are generally noncombustible as well. Salts containing organic groups are in principle combustible, although they may burn with difficulty.
Compounds in this group react as bases to neutralize acids. These neutralizations generate heat, but less or far less than is generated by neutralization of the bases in the Bases reactivity group and the neutralization of amines.
Variable. Solutions of these materials can be corrosive to skin and irritating to mucous membranes.
Other Characteristics
Materials in this group are generally soluble in water. The resulting solutions contain moderate concentrations of hydroxide ions and have pHs greater than 7.0.
Sodium acetate, lead phosphate, magnesium oxide, potassium arsenate, potassium oxalate.

Use the links below to find out how this reactive group interacts with any of the reactive groups in the database.

The predicted hazards and gas byproducts for each reactive group pair will be displayed, as well as documentation and references that were used to make the reactivity predictions.

Version 3.1.0